
My name is Liesl von Reuental. While desperately trying not to blow my cover of a typical and completely normal American housewife and waiting for my next secret Chrono Agent mission, I decided to start this diary. If anyone has broken my secret code and is reading this, I don’t really mind it. Even if you happen to believe me to be a secret agent from outer space (which, they told us in the Academy, isn’t going to happen on this planet in this timeline), no one will believe you if you try to spread this knowledge. So feel welcome!

Here’s a brief guide to the site:

  • Some classified data about the author of this blog is to be found under the ‘About’ title.
  • ‘The Diary’ is exactly what it says on the lid. All of my diary entries written over time.
  • ‘Undercover Missions’ leads to all entries under the ‘Chrono Agent Missions’ category. Most of these entries contain photos either taken during the mission itself, or photoshoots of me preparing for the mission and getting used to my new cover. Thanks to this age of cosplayers and LARPers, in case of leakages, I can always pretend the photos are from a LARP or a fashion photoshoot and keep my main cover safe.
  • ‘Hedonistic Reviews’ are the vast majority of my posts. Fragrances, Food and Drink, more categories might appear here.
  • Finally, there’s a Contact form. Feel free to contact me!